The Battistero Easter Lamb is a traditional dessert of the Easter holiday that, with its symbolic shape and enveloping flavor, evokes the traditions and values of this celebration.

Whether you choose the classic version or the one enriched with chocolate chips, the Easter Lamb is a dessert that combines taste and tradition, bringing the joy and authenticity of Easter to the table.

agnello battistero pasqua classico


The Battistero classic Easter Lamb is made with a soft and fragrant dough.

This dessert has a tender texture and a delicate flavor, enhancing the spring freshness of Easter.

The sugar sprinkles on top provide a pleasant crunch, contrasting with the soft interior and giving it a festive and inviting appearance.

agnello battistero pasqua gocce di cioccolato


The chocolate chips lamb adds a delicious and modern twist to this tradition.

The chocolate chips, evenly distributed throughout the dough, create a richer and more intense dessert, perfect for those seeking a more indulgent experience.

The chocolate flavor blends perfectly with the sweetness of the dough and the crunchiness of the sugar sprinkles, offering a perfect balance between tradition and innovation.